The Genealogy Of The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
Muĥammad Sallalaahu Alaihi Wasallam
He is the son of Ábdullāh,
the son of Ábd al-Muţţalib,
the son of Hāshim,
the son of Ábd Manāf,
the son of Qusayy,
the son of Kilāb,
the son of Murrah,
the son of Kaáb,
the son of Lu-ayy,
the son of Ghālib,
the son of Fihr,
the son of Mālik,
the son of Nađr,
the son of Kinānah,
the son of Khuzaymah,
the son of Mudrikah,
the son of Ilyās,
the son of Muđar,
the son of Nizār,
the son of Ma-ádd,
the son of Ádnān Genealogists are in agreement until Ádnān, and beyond him up until Sayyidunā Ādam there is a keen disagreement.
His Sallalaahu Alaihi Wasallam mother is Lady Āminah,
the daughter of Wahb,
the son of Ábd Manāf,
the son of Zuhrah,
the son of Kilāb, 1
the son of Murrah,
the son of Ka-áb,
the son of Lu-ayy. 2
1 Thus the ancestry of RasūlAllāh Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam from his father’s and mother’s side converges at Kilāb.
2 Bayhaqi in Dalāyil an-Nubuwwah (1:183) and Ibn Hishām in his Sīrah (#1156).